What is the inside of the casket called?
The inside of a casket panel is called the head panel which is made typically out of silk cloth material and consist of a head panel insert. Often the head panel insert is personalized to add color further personalization to the casket panel insert. The casket will contain a plain head panel insert. If the family chooses to personalize the insert, the plain one can be removed easily by the funeral director or family. member and replaced with the custom panel with colorful artwork. It is important before ordering a custom panel insert, that the correct dimensions are provided to the manufacturer to ensure a perfect fit of replacement.
This photo is an example of a custom panel insert set inside a casket. It adds color and further beautification of a loved one's casket. Celebrate Prints is the largest manufacturer of custom casket panel inserts for every brand and size. Specify your size and get it right in time for your service! Order and see our collection today at the link below: