What Is A Funeral Repast?

A re-past is any gathering or reception held after a funeral or memorial service. Re-pasts are less formal than the service and are typically open to everyone who attended. Re-pasts can also be private, depending on the family.

The purpose of a re-past enables a way to celebrate a life together and have family and friends around you for support. The location can be noted within the funeral program to inform all attendees of the time and place.

The word “re-past” is a Latin word for mealtimes and means “to eat.” Today, it’s a common tradition after a funeral service, where family and friends gather together to share a meal.

Re-pasts are often hosted in a reception hall, either in a funeral home, church, community center, or restaurant. The type of food offered at the re-past can range from a light snack or hors d'oeuvres to full lunch or dinner courses. This of course will depend on the family.

The re-past is an opportunity to offer condolences to the immediate family. The location is often close to where the funeral service was held. Most begin immediately following the service, so it’s not uncommon for the re-past to be held in the funeral home, church or a home nearby.

Private re-pasts are most often held in a family member’s home and are limited to only immediate friends and family.

Re-pasts can include a time of sharing, played favorite music of the deceased, a tribute video, depending on beliefs, culture or religion. The cost of the funeral re-past will depend on several factors and can be customized by the family depending on budget.

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