What Are Share-A-Memory Cards?

In this video, we are presenting our share-a-memory cards. Share-a-memory cards are provided for all attendees as a great way to write a special memory of the loved-one. This card is then returned to the surviving family members with the noted memory of how the loved-one touched their life. Each person may have a special memory and is noted on the card to share with the family.

Our share-a-memory cards are sold in packs of 25 and available in your choice of paper color. Our precut, heart shaped cards are great to use at any funeral or memorial service. Distribute to each funeral attendee to write a short tribute or memorial. The heart card measures approximately 5 inches wide by 4.25 inches high. Remembrance cards are sweet tokens collected by the family which often provides a source of comfort during a time of loss. It can be placed inside a funeral program or placed on a memory table for guests to pick up and fill out. Get yours today, only available at the funeralprogramsite.com

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