My funeral program template is printing upside down on the back.

If you are printing a draft or hardcopy of your funeral program template on your own home printer, there may be a few adjustments that may require changing, within your print properties. Every printer is different, so what we show you here, may not be exactly how it will be in your printer properties. It may be similar in wording but may not be exact.

After printing your program front and back, you may notice the back side has printed upside down. If this happens, there is nothing to adjust within the template itself.

You will need a printer that offers the feature of duplex or double sided printing. This means that when you print your program, it will print the first page and then go back into the printer to print the 2nd page.

You will need to go into your printer properties setting and make your change there, in order for the page to print right-side up. Issue your print by clicking on your print navigation item. Go into your printer properties. Look for a setting within the properties titled "Short-edge binding" or "Long-edge binding". It is usually located where you set the double-side or duplex printing. It will either be a dropdown selection or a box you will click to select.

Whatever it is set to now, select the opposite since it is currently printing your back page upside down. Perform a test print to ensure your page prints correctly. This slight change should correct the issue.

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