How To Make A Funeral Program
We understand that each family has different needs during a time of loss, so we’ve created choices when it comes to our printed memorials. The funeral program site offers 3 easy ways to make a funeral program depending on your timeframe and budget.
Number 1. The DIY Funeral Program Template Download.
Our large assortment of do-it-yourself funeral templates enables you quick access, immediately after purchase. Using our ready-made documents, you can replace our filler text with your own information and photos. This gets a jump-start to the creative and technical process since we’ve already laid the foundation. You will need to purchase the template download before you can make edits, right from your own computer, using word, publisher, apple pages or google docs.
Number 2. Easy-To-Use Online Funeral Program Editor.
Try it for yourself before you buy! This option provides you a demo version of our DIY template before you purchase! We are certain you will find our online editor easy to use, we offer a free demo! In this way, you can test the features and see how to make edits before you invest time and money. There is no software required on your computer because it is web-based and you will be using our template online. You can use any mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop with an internet connection. A simple option for those looking for the fastest way to make a printed memorial.
Number 3. Done for you funeral program design customization service.
Select your design and enlist the help of our designer to put together the program for you! Just email us your information and photos and we’ll take care of the rest. In as soon as 1 to 2 hours, you will receive a completed program proof ready for review. A professional lay-out done-for-you option, so you are free to tend to other funeral planning items.
With any of our options, you are able to take your file anywhere to get printed for the fastest delivery of your programs. Whichever option you choose, rest assured that it will result in a funeral program that will honor your loved one’s life. We have hundreds of designs and styles to choose from, in every format available. Check out our collections today, available from the leader in the industry, and your best online resource...the